Dead Island (IDWS LINK)

Dead Island 
Publisher: Deep Silver / Koch Media Developer: Techland
Platform: PC Release date: 06 September 2011
Size: 1.65 GB Play Mode: Single Player
Language: Egnlish

The player is drawn into the world of Dead Island on the brink of a mysterious epidemic that suddenly, and without warning, breaks out on the fictional island of Banoi. As a guest of the Royal Palms Resort, the player’s stay was supposed to be a dream holiday; a luxurious getaway to the beautiful beaches of a tropical paradise. But faced with the reality of a zombie apocalypse, there is only one thing left to do: Survive.
This is Dead Island… a paradise to die for..

Sistem Req
Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz,
1 GB RAM (4 GB RAM – Vista/7),
graphic card 1 GB (GeForce 9600 or better),
Windows XP/Vista/7..


Tidak ada yang rip atau dihilangkan.
Termasuk update 1
Perlu hd 8 gb untuk instal
termasuk dirext dan visual basic
Start game dari dekstop

How To instal

  Click exe
play The Game

300 Mb Per Part

Source: Here

M-9 Knife MOD For Pointblank ( M-7 To M9 )**/fyVMtP8A

This Is MOD For Pointblank
Replace your M-7 Knife and Play with M-7 Knife


Rimelz Modderz


Copy That File Weapon_M-7Knife.i3pack
in to your Pointblank/Pack
And Replace
Source: Here

DesertEagle MOD For Pointblank (K5 to DesertEagle)

This Is MOD For Pointblank
Replace your Weapons K5 and Play with Weapons K5


Rimelz Modderz 


Copy That File Weapon_K5.i3pack,Sound_Weapon_HandGun_K5.i3pack,Sound_Weapon_HandGun.i3pack
in to your Pointblank/Pack
And Replace
Source: Here


Ketupat Grenade MOD For Pointblank ( K-400 to Ketupat )

This Is MOD For Pointblank
Replace your K-400 and Play with K-400

Rimelz Modderz 


Copy That File Weapon_K-400.i3pack
in to your Pointblank/Pack
And Replace

Source: Here






This Is Game MOD For Counter Strike 
If you download game from this link, only unrar that file and play



Info Update 1.7

- Download link of FOR V 1.7 , Links of Source code are only for people who want to continue developing CS RED

- Extract 1.7 - Open Source.rar

- Copy to CS RED 1.65

for Update

*) New features

- Add some new special weapons in Black Market : Cheytac M200, XM25, WA2020
+) Cheytac M200 :
- Bolt-action sniper
- Ammo : 7 / 14
- Special : Ammo insertion
+) XM25 :
- Ammo : 6/6
- Explosive bullet
+) Walther WA2020 [Thermal Scope]
- Semi-Auto Sniper
- Ammo : 15 / 45
- Thermal Scope attachment

- Now, you can add items to Launcher
- Aim down sight supported for all weapons
- Fixed Game-Play : Escape . Now, you can use ES_ map of Counter Strke
- Fixed Level error : You can't level up after complete your mission

Source: HERE

DINO MASK MOD For Pointblank (Helmet DEFAULT to MASK)

This Is MOD For Pointblank
Replace your Helmet default and Play with default helmet


Rimelz Modderz 


Copy That File Equip_Helmet.i3pack
in to your Pointblank/Pack
And Replace

Source: HERE


Counter-Strike: BreakThrough Edition - NEW

Counter-Strike: BreakThrough Edition - V2.2

Info Update

Mirror 1

Mirror 2

NEW UPDATE Chines Version Not English V 2.4


Source BTE ENG: Here
Source BTE CHI : Here

M4A1 Pointblank MOD (K-2 To M4A1)


This Is MOD For Pointblank
Replace your weapons K-2 and Play with K-2 Weapons In Pointblank


Rimelz Modderz


Copy That File Weapon_K-2.i3pack
in to your Pointblank/Pack
And Replace

Source: HERE

Cerita Lucu : Pak Tarjo

Pak Tarjo mengawinkan ke-3
anaknya, yaitu Minah, Mimin dan Mumun. Mereka berbulan madu ke Bali. Pak Tarjo bilang, "ntar pada
kirim kabar ya tentang kualitas laki lu masing-masing. Pake sms aja, biar gak jorok pake Motto iklan aja ya".
Hari ke 2 bulan madu ...
Mimin SMS ke Pak Tarjo, SMS Mimin cukup singkat: "STANDARD CHARTERED".
Pak Tarjo langsung mencari iklan Standard Chartered di koran, dan terbacalah tulisan: "BESAR, KUAT DAN BERSAHABAT". Pak Tarjo langsung senyum ... :)
Hari ke 4 Mumun SMS ke Pak Tarjo, isi smsnya: "NESCAFE". Pak Tarjo langsung cari iklan nescafe di koran, dan terbaca moto Nescafe: "NIKMATNYA SAMPAI TETES TERAKHIR". Pak Tarjo kembali senyum ... :D
Memasuki hari ke 6... Pak Tarjo mulai risau, karna Minah tak ada SMS .. "Waduh kenapa si Minah ya Jangan-jangan dia dibikin kecewa ma lakinya?"
Hari ke 8 barulah masuk SMS dari minah, isinya: "CATHAY PACIFIC". Pak Tarjo penasaran, yang dia tau Cathay Pacific tu armada Penerbangan terbesar di Asia. Langsung Pak Tarjo cari koran, terbaca moto Cathay Pacific, ini isinya: "7 KALI SEMINGGU, 3 KALI SEHARI, 5 JAM NON STOP"
Pak Tarjo : pantesan telat lapor. wakakkakakak

Cerita Lucu,Kocak dan Gokil


Ini kisah tentang sebuah peternakan ayam, dimana ada 25 ayam betina dan 1 ayam jago yang umurnya sudah tua sekali.

Karena merasa ayam jago yang tua tadi sudah melewati masa produktifnya, si pemilik peternakan memutuskan untuk membeli 1 ayam jago lagi yang masih muda. Tentu saja hal ini membuat si ayam jago tua menjadi merasa tersaingi.

“Eh, kamu jangan serakah. Ayam betina disini ada 25 ekor. Kamu boleh ambil yang 15, sisanya biar untukku,” pesan si jago tua kepada ayam jantan yang baru datang.

“Tidak bisa. Kamu kan sudah tua dan loyo. Pokoknya semua buat aku aja,” kata si ayam jantan yang lebih muda.

“Kalau begitu kita berlomba saja, siapa yang menang boleh ambil semua ayam betina yang ada disini,” ajak si jago tua.

“Boleh saja! Mau lomba apa?” “Lomba lari 100 m.”
“Oke, nggak masalah.” Si jago tua terdiam sejenak.

“Tapi karena aku sudah tua, aku minta untuk lari dulu didepanmu 25 meter. Berani?”

“Siapa takut?” ujar ayam jantan muda yakin.

Lomba lari dimulai. Ayam jago tua lari dulu 25 meter baru kemudian ayam yang muda lari menyusul dengan kecepatan dua kali lipat.

Sewaktu hampir melewati si ayam tua, si ayam jago muda tiba-tiba menggelepar dan mati seketika karena ditembak oleh sang pemilik. Sambil memungut bangkai ayam muda tadi, si pemilik menggerutu,

“Sial! ini ayam jago homo kesepuluh yang aku beli bulan ini. Bukannya mengejar betina, malah mengejar ayam jago tua ini!”

Wkwkwkwkwk. ternyata cuma jebakan aja nih ayam jago tua ngajak balapan lari.. namanya ayam yang lebih tua pasti menang..hehehehe 


Suatu hari, seorang ayah beserta anaknya menaiki bus AC menuju rumah mereka dan duduk berdekatan dengan seorang wanita cantik. Namun lelaki tersebut tidak menyadari bahwa bis yang ia naiki memasang tanda ‘Dilarang Merokok’, sampai akhirnya…
Wanita : “Pak, mohon maaf, bisakah Anda matikan asap rokoknya?”
Anak : “Iya Yah, tuh ada tandanya.” ujar sang anak menunjuk tanda larangan tersebut.
Wanita : “Oh, tapi bukan itu maksud saya. Saya hanya kasihan kepada anak Anda bila asap rokok Anda sampai terhisap olehnya. Kalau saya sendiri sih tidak apa-apa, Pak.”
Ayah : “Oh, baiklah. Maafkan saya.”
Bis pun tak lama melaju. Namun ayah ini menyadari bahwa sedari tadi, wanita tersebut kerap kali membenarkan rok yang terlihat sangat mini.
Ayah : “Nona, Bisakah Anda berhenti memainkan rok Anda? Saya takut anak saya akan melihat itu dan menjadi buruk untuknya. Kalau saya sendiri sih tidak apa-apa.
Wanita : “(???)”

Counter Strike Source Hack 100% Works

 SS In Game CSS


Cheat By Oldschoolhack

Tasted By CrooztModder Works 100%

: Insert TO Active The cheat

Download Cheat Via :

Mirror Via :
Google Drive

Source: Here


DMC Devil May Cry Trainer Works 100%

This Trainer Made By AfterMan
And Trainer Tasted By Me Works 100% 

This For Links :


Source: HERE

3D Ripper DX

With 3D Ripper DX you can:
- capture all geometry, textures and shaders, rendered during single frame;
- import captured geometry into 3D Studio Max or Maya;
- see what exactly has been drawn by each individual draw call;
- see renderstate, textures, vertex streams, index stream, vertex declaration, vertex and pixel shaders (including HLSL source code if available) of each individual draw call.
3D Ripper DX supports only DirectX 6.x, 8.x and 9.x applications. OpenGL, older versions of DirectX and software renderers are not supported.
Current version is 1.8.2, download.
Older version is 1.8, download.

Source: Here


Counter Strike Counter-Fire Beta 3.0 Spesial Edition

Game Image

Game Info

huucuong_21071987 (Coder AMX, AMS, PTS)
Kingler (Prime Skinner)
Trishty (Designer) and hidroshi_dinh (Assistant)
Tr06125 (Mapper)

Đặc biệt gửi lời cảm ơn đến hệ thống weapon của Nguyễn Sơn Tùng, Module Metahook từ Martin và sự hỗ trợ quý báu của DJB từ China
JackerluuRower (RES file)
Modchina (Map, đặc biệt gửi lời cảm ơn tới Hupan9209, diewar và những map-makers)
Redplane (AMX)
Download Game Info

After Instal And Eror This Is Solution For Eror Please Download This

Turtorial For



1st: Install the game
2nd: Launch the game
3rd: Create new email and Attach contact_addmin.ct("Game Place"\AutoPlay\Docs\) file in the email or open contact_addmin.ct with NotePad and copy the code then paste it to email
4th: Your email must same as this:

SUBJECT: Counter-Fire key request

Mail info:
Hi! My name is Mike. I love Counter-Fire so much. I have download Counter-Fire and install it.
Here is my contact_addmin.ct, hope you can reply soon
Thanks in advance!

(Remember introduce about yourself a little ^..^)
5th: Send and wait for reply $.$ (we will reply in 48h. If after 48h you still not have a reply email please send it again)
6th: Launch the game, create account and enjoin
7th: If have any problem you can report at Counter-Fire(CSCFE) Thread (Go to then go to Counter-Fire(CSCFE) Thread)

Source : Here

Source Development Kit For CSS/Hl2 and CSGO

Source Development Kit
En translation:
These are some tools which we used to modify Counter-Strike. made weapons, characters, maps, sprites, GUI, and others.

Download For CSS/HL2 and More : Link
Download For CSGO : Link

Thanks To

How TO Download From DBank网盘


Photoshop CS4 Portable With includes NVIDIA DDS Plug in

Adobe Photoshop merupakan program image editor terkemuka di dunia. Dengan berbagai fiturnya yang lengkap, membuat program ini paling banyak digunakan di dunia. Adobe Photoshop yang akan saya share ini merupakan Adobe Ps CS4 yang merupakan penyempurnaan dari Adobe Ps CS3.

Mengapa harus Adobe Ps? Jawabannya adalah tidak lain dan tidak bukan merupakan program ini adalah program yang memiliki fitur yang sangat amat lengkap apalagi ini merupakan Ps keluaran terbaru dari Adobe. Dan juga jika sobat belum bsa menggunakan software ini, tenang dan jangan khawatir. Karena telah banyak yang menyediakan tutorialnya. Jadi, tidak ada kata tidak suka / tidak cocok dengan program ini.

Adobe Ps CS4 yang saya bagikan ini memiliki ukuran yang tidak begitu besar. Lho kok bisa? Ea ialah, kan ini yang portable, jadi artinya tau kan kalo portable maksudnya gimana? heheh

Bagi yang ingin belajar ataupun yang sudah ahli dalam menjalankan program Photoshop ini dan tertarik ingin memiliknya, silakan sobat download melalui link yang akan saya berikan di bawah ini.

oh iya photoshop cs 4 ini sudah di lengkapi dengan DDS plugins Dari Nividia :)
jadi tidak perlu lagi menambahan plugins tersebut ^_^

Download Link : Here

upload and Pemasangan By Nur Fithra

Blender 2.62 Portable Version

Portable Blender 2.62
Blender, the open source software for 3D modeling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback. Available for Windows, Linux, Irix, Sun Solaris, FreeBSD or Mac OS X. Blender has proven to be an extremely fast and versatile design instrument.

 The software has a personal touch, offering a unique approach to the world of Three Dimensions. Use Blender to create TV commercials, to make technical visualizations, business graphics, to do some morphing, or design user interfaces. You can easy build and manage complex environments. The renderer is versatile and extremely fast. All basic animation principles (curves & keys) are well implemented.


Non-overlapping and non-blocking UI delivers unsurpassed workflow
Flexible and fully configurable window layout with as many screen setups as you prefer
Undo support on all levels
Anti-aliased fonts with international translation support
Any window space can be easily switched to any window type (curve editor, NLA, 3D view etc)
Built-in text editor for annotations and editing Python scripts
Graphical user interface for Python scripts
Fully scriptable UI with custom themes
Consistent interface across all platforms

Fast skeleton creation mode
Interactive 3D paint for vertex weighting
Fast envelope based skinning
Automatic Skinning that really works (heat equilibrium based)
Mirror editing (bone creation and weight painting)
Double Quaternion deformation reduces shrinking and other bone deformation errors
Volume deformer uses a mesh cage to deform complex meshes with great results
Bone layers and colored groups for better rig organization
B-spline interpolated bones; forget about elbow twists
Constraint stack for IK solver setup and other constraints
PyConstraints; if you need something not yet implemented code it in python with real time feed back, no compiling needed

Armature (skeleton) deformation with forward/inverse kinematics with pole target support
Auto IK allows posing FK chains easily
Non-linear animation editor for mixing individual actions created in Action editor
Automated walkcycles along paths
Animated constraint system
Vertex key framing for morphing, with controlling sliders
Edit and create new blendshapes from existing targets
Character animation pose editor
'Ipo' system integrates both motion curve and traditional key-frame editing
Audio playback, mixing and editing support for sound synchronisation
Timeline offers fast acces to many playback functions, autokey, help markers
Python scripting access for custom and procedural animation effects

UV Unwrapping
Conformal and Angle Based unwrapping methods
Interactive transform of UV maps by vertex pinning
Proportional falloff editing of UV maps for smooth transformations
Seam based unwrapping
Cube, Cylinder, Sphere, View projections
Catmull-Clark subdivition of UVs for less distortion
Minimize stretch tool allows to reduce area distortion
Multiple UV layers

Home Page -



Counter Strike Global Offensive Full Non Steam

 This SS FOr Game

Download Counter Strike Global Offensive Full Version Free
Download Counter-Strike Global Offensive Full PC Game
CS:GO Full PC Download Free Game
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Download PC Game
Minimum System Requirements:
* OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
* CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz or Athlon Dual Core
* RAM: 2 GB
* HDD: 6 GB free disk space
* Graphics: 1 GB Graphics Memory
* Sound Card: DirectX 9 Compatible
* DirectX: Version 9

Download Torent Only : Here

Download Torent and Upload With this Sites Zbigz
and Download Withs IDM

Works 100%


Source Development Kit For HL 1/cs 1.6/cscz/

Source Development Kit
En translation:
These are some tools which we used to modify Counter-Strike. made weapons, characters, maps, sprites, GUI, and others.

1. Jed's Half-Life Model Viewer

Sequence view with added event info and sound playbackAdditive model texture plus GCF file opened direct in JHLMVWeapon Origin viewTexture view with UV map overlay

The defacto tool for previewing Half-Life models is Mete Ciragan's Half-Life Model Viewer. However, the current version doesnt support the new texture features of the Half-Life engine. To get around this, I've modified the source of the v1.25 of the Half-Life Model viewer and added support for these features as best I can plus added some new ones.

Download link: JHLMV_Setup.exe

Source: Wunderboy
2. Milkshape 3D

MilkShape 3D is a low-polygon modeler, which was initially designed for Half-Life. By and by many file formats and features have been added.
MilkShape 3D has all basic operations like select, move, rotate, scale, extrude, turn edge, subdivide, just to mention a few. MilkShape 3D also allows low-level editing with the vertex and face tool. Standard and extended primitives like spheres, boxes, cylinders, etc. are available too.
MilkShape 3D is a skeletal animator.

Download link: Milkshape 3D 1.8.5 Beta 2 
Source: Chumbalum-Soft

4. Sprite Explorer:

Tool is used to create and view sprites.
It also can be used to
view/open .pak files.
Download link: Sprite Explorer 2.0

4. Valve Hammer Editor
The Valve Hammer Editor is a tool that is used for designing levels for Source engine games. 

It can be used to:
  • Create level architecture - geometry, texturing, and lighting.
  • Place models ("props") created in 3D modeling packages.
  • Place entities for gameplay.
  • Script those entities with Inputs and Outputs.
  • Add AI navigation nodes for NPCs.
  • Compile and run game levels

Download link: Valve Hammer Editor 3.5.2


This for compiling .map file into .bsp file, the .map
Download link: ZHLT Compiler

Update In this For SDK From Cina Pack CSMAP Tools Kit


CSMapToolkit.exe (17.60M)
Source: Here

5. Background Maker
This program changes the CS 1.6 background to whatever picture you want.
Updated Version 3.0

 Download link: Background Maker

Source: Here